GRE Word List


willing to allow excessive leniency, generosity, or consideration : indulging or characterized by indulgence

The meaning of the word indulgent is willing to allow excessive leniency, generosity, or consideration : indulging or characterized by indulgence.

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marto ruin or diminish the perfection or wholeness of : spoil
intriguethe practice of engaging in secret schemes
chaffingthe seed coverings and other debris separated from the seed in threshing grain
pastoralof, relating to, or composed of shepherds or herdsmen
philistinea native or inhabitant of ancient Philistia
mediumsomething in a middle position
wafflea crisp cake of batter baked in a waffle iron
synchronoushappening, existing, or arising at precisely the same time
uniformitythe quality or state of being uniform
surlymenacing or threatening in appearance