GRE Word List


willing to allow excessive leniency, generosity, or consideration : indulging or characterized by indulgence

The meaning of the word indulgent is willing to allow excessive leniency, generosity, or consideration : indulging or characterized by indulgence.

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reprisala retaliatory act
tenancya holding of an estate or a mode of holding an estate
nattytrimly neat and tidy : smart
unaccountablenot to be accounted for : inexplicable
vampirethe reanimated body of a dead person believed to come from the grave at night and suck the blood of persons asleep
hatcha small door or opening (as in an airplane or spaceship)
illuminateto supply or brighten with light
tolla tax or fee paid for some liberty or privilege (as of passing over a highway or bridge)
exudeto ooze out
execrateto declare to be evil or detestable : denounce