GRE Word List


to give or assume the appearance or effect of often with the intent to deceive : imitate

The meaning of the word simulate is to give or assume the appearance or effect of often with the intent to deceive : imitate.

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momentoushaving great or lasting importance : consequential
branda charred piece of wood
remonstrateto present and urge reasons in opposition : expostulate
weanto accustom (a young child or animal) to take food otherwise than by nursing
ingrainedforming a part of the essence or inmost being : deep-seated
scurvya disease caused by a lack of vitamin C and characterized by spongy gums, loosening of the teeth, and a bleeding into the skin and mucous membranes
perennialpresent at all seasons of the year
limnto draw or paint on a surface
contingentdependent on or conditioned by something else
peripherythe perimeter of a circle or other closed curve