GRE Word List


an exact reproduction (as of a painting) executed by the original artist

The meaning of the word replica is an exact reproduction (as of a painting) executed by the original artist.

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bewitchto influence or affect especially injuriously by witchcraft
dabbleto work or involve oneself superficially or intermittently especially in a secondary activity or interest
primordialfirst created or developed : primeval
abjectsunk to or existing in a low state or condition : very bad or severe
conduita natural or artificial channel through which something (such as a fluid) is conveyed
detachedstanding by itself : separate
betokento typify beforehand : presage
exasperateto cause irritation or annoyance to
personifyto conceive of or represent as a person or as having human qualities or powers
archetypethe original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies : prototype