GRE Word List



The meaning of the word raspy is harsh.

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blowhardan arrogantly and pompously boastful or opinionated person : braggart
certitudethe state of being or feeling certain
discourseverbal interchange of ideas
cornicethe molded and projecting horizontal member that crowns an architectural composition see column illustration
crochetneedlework consisting of the interlocking of looped stitches formed with a single thread and a hooked needle
introspectivecharacterized by examination of one's own thoughts and feelings : thoughtfully reflective : employing, marked by, or tending to introspection
audita formal examination of an organization's or individual's accounts or financial situation
threadbarehaving the nap worn off so that the thread shows : shabby
agglomerationthe action or process of collecting in a mass
collagean artistic composition made of various materials (such as paper, cloth, or wood) glued on a surface