GRE Word List


a quiet state : repose

The meaning of the word quietude is a quiet state : repose.

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chastiseto censure severely : castigate
pinchto squeeze between the finger and thumb or between the jaws of an instrument
maimto mutilate, disfigure, or wound seriously
necromancyconjuration (see conjure
primatea bishop who has precedence in a province, a group of provinces, or a nation
accretionthe process of growth or enlargement by a gradual buildup: such as
atavismrecurrence in an organism of a trait or character typical of an ancestral form and usually due to genetic recombination
complicityassociation or participation in or as if in a wrongful act
unprecedentedhaving no precedent : novel
besmirchto cause harm or damage to the purity, luster, or beauty of (something) : sully