GRE Word List


feeling or expressing humble or regretful pain or sorrow for sins or offenses : repentant

The meaning of the word penitent is feeling or expressing humble or regretful pain or sorrow for sins or offenses : repentant.

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compromisesettlement of differences by arbitration or by consent reached by mutual concessions
woea condition of deep suffering from misfortune, affliction, or grief
jauntysprightly in manner or appearance : lively
confidantone to whom secrets are entrusted
indentationthe blank space produced by indenting : indention
incorrigibleincapable of being corrected or amended: such as
analgesican agent producing diminished sensation to pain without loss of consciousness : a drug that is used to relieve pain and produce analgesia
vicissitudethe quality or state of being changeable : mutability
executeto carry out fully : put completely into effect
functionaryone who serves in a certain function