GRE Word List


one that is cast out or refused acceptance (as by society) : pariah

The meaning of the word outcast is one that is cast out or refused acceptance (as by society) : pariah.

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reverendworthy of reverence : revered
dubiousunsettled in opinion : doubtful
bolstera long pillow or cushion
glacialsuggestive of ice: such as
anomalysomething different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified : something anomalous
mata piece of coarse, woven, plaited, or felted fabric used especially as a floor covering or a support
mingleto bring or mix together or with something else usually without fundamental loss of identity : intermix
requiteto make return for : repay
mangeany of various persistent contagious skin diseases marked especially by eczematous inflammation and loss of hair, affecting domestic animals or sometimes humans, and caused by a minute parasitic mite compare sarcoptic mange