GRE Word List


a primitive means used to determine guilt or innocence by submitting the accused to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under supernatural control

The meaning of the word ordeal is a primitive means used to determine guilt or innocence by submitting the accused to dangerous or painful tests believed to be under supernatural control.

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jaundiceyellowish pigmentation of the skin, tissues, and body fluids caused by the deposition of bile pigments
imperialof, relating to, befitting, or suggestive of an empire or an emperor
noveltysomething new or unusual
recoursea turning to someone or something for help or protection
omnivorousfeeding on both animal and vegetable substances
executeto carry out fully : put completely into effect
bravehaving or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty : having or showing courage
veracityconformity with truth or fact : accuracy
seclusionthe act of secluding : the condition of being secluded