GRE Word List


without premeditation or preparation : extempore

The meaning of the word offhand is without premeditation or preparation : extempore.

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clemencydisposition to be merciful and especially to moderate the severity of punishment due
simplisticexcessively simple or simplified : treating a problem or subject with false simplicity by omitting or ignoring complicating factors or details
amassto collect for oneself : accumulate
vertebrateany of a subphylum (Vertebrata) of chordates that comprises animals (such as mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes) typically having a bony or cartilaginous spinal column which replaces the notochord, a distinct head containing a brain which arises as an enlarged part of the nerve cord, and an internal usually bony skeleton and that includes some primitive forms (such as lampreys) in which the spinal column is absent and the notochord persists throughout life
verbiagea profusion of words usually of little or obscure content
confidantone to whom secrets are entrusted
ambleto go at or as if at an easy gait : saunter
affirmationthe act of affirming
ecosystemthe complex of a community of organisms and its environment functioning as an ecological unit
nomadicof, relating to, or characteristic of nomads