GRE Word List


to catch hold of and squeeze tightly between two surfaces, edges, or points : pinch

The meaning of the word nip is to catch hold of and squeeze tightly between two surfaces, edges, or points : pinch.

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stratageman artifice or trick in war for deceiving and outwitting the enemy
vaporizeto convert (as by the application of heat or by spraying) into vapor
heresyadherence to a religious opinion contrary to church dogma (see dogma
anomalysomething different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified : something anomalous
soarto fly aloft or about
fettera chain or shackle for the feet
rehabilitateto restore to a former capacity : reinstate
laconicusing or involving the use of a minimum of words : concise to the point of seeming rude or mysterious
deducibleto determine by reasoning or deduction
poseto set forth or offer for attention or consideration