GRE Word List


incapable of being surmounted : insuperable

The meaning of the word insurmountable is incapable of being surmounted : insuperable.

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proverba brief popular epigram or maxim : adage
willfulobstinately and often perversely self-willed
tolla tax or fee paid for some liberty or privilege (as of passing over a highway or bridge)
alluvialrelating to, composed of, or found in alluvium
stem_fromarise from; originate from
inamorataa woman with whom one is in love or has intimate relations
enigmasomething hard to understand or explain
myriadten thousand
phoenixa legendary bird which according to one account lived 500 years, burned itself to ashes on a pyre, and rose alive from the ashes to live another period
teetotalismthe principle or practice of complete abstinence from alcoholic drinks