GRE Word List


continuing or following without interruption : unceasing

The meaning of the word incessant is continuing or following without interruption : unceasing.

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prosperitythe condition of being successful or thriving
acumenkeenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination especially in practical matters
whorla drum-shaped section on the lower part of a spindle in spinning or weaving machinery serving as a pulley for the tape drive that rotates the spindle
dirgea song or hymn of grief or lamentation
perpetuateto make perpetual or cause to last indefinitely
gustythe sensation of taste
slapto strike sharply with or as if with the open hand
vilemorally despicable or abhorrent
disapprobationthe act or state of disapproving : the state of being disapproved : condemnation
posteritythe offspring of one progenitor to the furthest generation