GRE Word List


not potent : lacking in power, strength, or vigor : helpless

The meaning of the word impotent is not potent : lacking in power, strength, or vigor : helpless.

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claustrophobiaabnormal dread of being in closed or narrow spaces
mannerismexaggerated or affected (see affected
confidencea feeling or consciousness of one's powers or of reliance on one's circumstances
meretriciousof or relating to a prostitute : having the nature of prostitution
institutesomething that is instituted: such as
beneficentdoing or producing good
exaltto raise in rank, power, or character
quandarya state of perplexity or doubt
oracularresembling an oracle (as in solemnity of delivery)
marshala high official in the household of a medieval king, prince, or noble originally having charge of the cavalry but later usually in command of the military forces