GRE Word List


having obscure dark streaks or flecks on a usually gray or tawny ground

The meaning of the word brindled is having obscure dark streaks or flecks on a usually gray or tawny ground.

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subversivethe act of subverting : the state of being subverted
decadencethe process of becoming decadent : the quality or state of being decadent
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stereotypeto make a stereotype from
genuflectto bend the knee
addictiona compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity having harmful physical, psychological, or social effects and typically causing well-defined symptoms (such as anxiety, irritability, tremors, or nausea) upon withdrawal or abstinence : the state of being addicted
feeblemindedimpaired in intellectual ability : affected with intellectual disability
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