GRE Word List


a person who is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure : someone who practices hedonism

The meaning of the word hedonist is a person who is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure : someone who practices hedonism.

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sadisticof, relating to, or characterized by sadism
weanto accustom (a young child or animal) to take food otherwise than by nursing
reprieveto delay the punishment of (someone, such as a condemned prisoner)
incommodiousnot commodious : inconvenient
lancea steel-tipped spear carried by mounted knights or light cavalry
coincidencethe act or condition of coinciding : correspondence
turgidexcessively embellished in style or language : bombastic
ingratean ungrateful person
diminutionthe act, process, or an instance of becoming gradually less (as in size or importance) : the act, process, or an instance of diminishing : decrease
emasculateto deprive of strength, vigor, or spirit : weaken