GRE Word List


representing by a figure or resemblance : emblematic

The meaning of the word figurative is representing by a figure or resemblance : emblematic.

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vacillateto waver in mind, will, or feeling : hesitate in choice of opinions or courses
agnostica person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (such as God) is unknown and probably unknowable
cogentappealing forcibly to the mind or reason : convincing
waxa substance that is secreted by bees and is used by them for constructing the honeycomb, that is a dull yellow solid plastic when warm, and that is composed primarily of a mixture of esters, hydrocarbons, and fatty acids : beeswax
sleeperone that sleeps
patriciana member of one of the original citizen families of ancient Rome
stentorianextremely loud
latchto lay hold with or as if with the hands or arms
matriarcha woman who rules or dominates a family, group, or state