GRE Word List


exhibiting or given to extreme fierceness and unrestrained violence and brutality

The meaning of the word ferocious is exhibiting or given to extreme fierceness and unrestrained violence and brutality.

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facileeasily accomplished or attained
diabolicalof, relating to, or characteristic of the devil : devilish
tinta usually slight or pale coloration : hue
rueto feel penitence, remorse, or regret for
mettlevigor and strength of spirit or temperament (see temperament
retractto draw back or in
referendumthe principle or practice of submitting to popular vote a measure passed on or proposed by a legislative body or by popular initiative
tethera line (as of rope or chain) by which an animal is fastened so as to restrict its range of movement
gentlefree from harshness, sternness, or violence