GRE Word List


to exhibit mental decline of or like that of old age : be in one's dotage

The meaning of the word dote is to exhibit mental decline of or like that of old age : be in one's dotage.

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plaintiveexpressive of suffering or woe : melancholy
creepto move along with the body prone and close to the ground
extrudeto force, press, or push out
eugenicrelating to or fitted for the production of good offspring
quibbleto evade the point of an argument by caviling about words
torpora state of mental and motor inactivity with partial or total insensibility
opalescentreflecting an iridescent light
audita formal examination of an organization's or individual's accounts or financial situation
apogeethe point in the orbit of an object (such as a satellite) orbiting the earth that is at the greatest distance from the center of the earth