GRE Word List
a testifying especially before a court
The meaning of the word deposition is a testifying especially before a court.
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Word | Meaning |
macabre | having death as a subject : comprising or including a personalized representation of death |
rebus | a representation of words or syllables by pictures of objects or by symbols whose names resemble the intended words or syllables in sound |
matrix | something within or from which something else originates, develops, or takes form |
nondescript | belonging or appearing to belong to no particular class or kind : not easily described |
terminus | either end of a transportation line or travel route |
luscious | having a delicious taste or smell : sweet |
torso | the human body apart from the head, neck, arms, and legs : the human trunk |
rostrum | an ancient Roman platform for public orators |
occident | west |
pedestrian | commonplace |