GRE Word List


the process of becoming decadent : the quality or state of being decadent

The meaning of the word decadence is the process of becoming decadent : the quality or state of being decadent.

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donto put on (an article of clothing)
reprobatean unprincipled or depraved person : scoundrel
circumspectcareful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences : prudent
gullany of numerous long-winged web-footed aquatic birds (subfamily Larinae of the family Laridae)
antecedentsa substantive word, phrase, or clause whose denotation is referred to by a pronoun that typically follows the substantive (such as John in "Mary saw John and called to him")
shangri-laa remote beautiful imaginary place where life approaches perfection : utopia
inveterateconfirmed in a habit : habitual
avengeto take vengeance for or on behalf of
talismanan object held to act as a charm to avert evil and bring good fortune