GRE Word List


increasing by successive additions

The meaning of the word cumulative is increasing by successive additions.

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gullany of numerous long-winged web-footed aquatic birds (subfamily Larinae of the family Laridae)
yieldto bear or bring forth as a natural product especially as a result of cultivation
scrimmagea minor battle : skirmish
checkto inspect, examine, or look at appraisingly or appreciatively
pulpitan elevated platform or high reading desk used in preaching or conducting a worship service
cumulativeincreasing by successive additions
fomentto promote the growth or development of : rouse
acerbitythe quality of being acerbic
pachydermany of various nonruminant mammals (such as an elephant, a rhinoceros, or a hippopotamus) of a former group (Pachydermata) that have hooves or nails resembling hooves and usually thick skin