GRE Word List


disgusting or distasteful by reason of excess

The meaning of the word cloying is disgusting or distasteful by reason of excess.

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dissolutionthe act or process of dissolving: such as
germa small mass of living substance capable of developing into an organism or one of its parts
purgatoryan intermediate state after death for expiatory purification
sententiousgiven to or abounding in aphoristic expression
hideto put out of sight : secrete
swindlerto obtain money or property by fraud or deceit
threadbarehaving the nap worn off so that the thread shows : shabby
diminutionthe act, process, or an instance of becoming gradually less (as in size or importance) : the act, process, or an instance of diminishing : decrease
indecisiona wavering between two or more possible courses of action : irresolution
discreditto refuse to accept as true or accurate : disbelieve