GRE Word List


to stop up and make tight against leakage (something, such as a boat or its seams, the cracks in a window frame, or the joints of a pipe)

The meaning of the word caulk is to stop up and make tight against leakage (something, such as a boat or its seams, the cracks in a window frame, or the joints of a pipe).

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coincidencethe act or condition of coinciding : correspondence
importuneto press or urge with troublesome persistence
dubiousunsettled in opinion : doubtful
cavilto raise trivial and frivolous objection
barda tribal poet-singer skilled in composing and reciting verses on heroes and their deeds
bemoanto express deep grief or distress over
complaisantmarked by an inclination to please or oblige
antipathya strong feeling of dislike
judiciarya system of courts of law
outfitthe act of fitting out or equipping (as for a voyage or expedition)