GRE Word List


to deceive by false appearance : dupe

The meaning of the word hoodwink is to deceive by false appearance : dupe.

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hibernalof, relating to, or occurring in winter
cupidityinordinate desire for wealth : avarice
solublesusceptible of being dissolved in or as if in a liquid and especially water
theocracygovernment of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided
schemea plan or program of action
asymmetrichaving two sides or halves that are not the same : not symmetrical
grandiloquenta lofty, extravagantly colorful, pompous, or bombastic style, manner, or quality especially in language
platonicof, relating to, or characteristic of Plato or Platonism
hyperboleextravagant exaggeration (such as "mile-high ice-cream cones")
reparablecapable of being repaired