GRE Word List


the expression or repetition of conventional or trite opinions or sentiments

The meaning of the word cant is the expression or repetition of conventional or trite opinions or sentiments.

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tenantone who has the occupation or temporary possession of lands or tenements of another
dominantcommanding, controlling, or prevailing over all others
pensivemusingly or dreamily thoughtful
pillorya device formerly used for publicly punishing offenders consisting of a wooden frame with holes in which the head and hands can be locked
metricalof, relating to, or composed in meter
remissionthe act or process of remitting
whetto sharpen by rubbing on or with something (such as a stone)
incredulousunwilling to admit or accept what is offered as true : not credulous : skeptical
enticeto attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire : tempt
felicitousvery well suited or expressed : apt