GRE Word List


artistic, stylized, or elegant handwriting or lettering

The meaning of the word calligraphy is artistic, stylized, or elegant handwriting or lettering.

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puissanthaving puissance : powerful
fuss:trouble or worry over trifles; make nervous; pay too much attention to; N: needless concern or worry (about a trivial thing); anxious nervous condition; display of attention; Ex. make a fuss over the baby
decompositionto separate into constituent parts or elements or into simpler compounds
aegisa shield or breastplate emblematic of majesty that was associated with Zeus and Athena
incantationa use of spells or verbal charms spoken or sung as a part of a ritual of magic
bara straight piece (as of wood or metal) that is longer than it is wide and has any of various uses (as for a lever, support, barrier, or fastening)
stippleto engrave by means of dots and flicks
offhandwithout premeditation or preparation : extempore