GRE Word List


to make briefer

The meaning of the word abbreviate is to make briefer.

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amnestythe act of an authority (such as a government) by which pardon is granted to a large group of individuals
assayto analyze (something, such as an ore) for one or more specific components
zealeagerness and ardent interest in pursuit of something : fervor
uproara state of commotion, excitement, or violent disturbance
parameteran arbitrary constant whose value characterizes a member of a system (such as a family of curves)
paucitysmallness of number : fewness
reprobationthe act of reprobating : the state of being reprobated
vagaryan erratic, unpredictable, or extravagant manifestation, action, or notion
polygamistmarriage in which a spouse of either sex may have more than one mate at the same time compare polyandry