GRE Word List


to make briefer

The meaning of the word abbreviate is to make briefer.

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fraileasily led into evil
vaingloriousmarked by vainglory : boastful
advocateone who defends or maintains a cause or proposal
fussyeasily upset : irritable
recuperateto get back : regain
incurto become liable or subject to : bring down upon oneself
hallucinationa sensory perception (such as a visual image or a sound) that occurs in the absence of an actual external stimulus and usually arises from neurological disturbance (such as that associated with delirium tremens, schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, or narcolepsy) or in response to drugs (such as LSD or phencyclidine)
opalescentreflecting an iridescent light
impotentnot potent : lacking in power, strength, or vigor : helpless