GRE Word List


leading ultimately to death : fatal

The meaning of the word terminal is leading ultimately to death : fatal.

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coiffurea style or manner of arranging the hair
indisputablenot disputable : unquestionable
pranceto spring from the hind legs or move by so doing
desultorymarked by lack of definite plan, regularity, or purpose
teneta principle, belief, or doctrine generally held to be true
creepto move along with the body prone and close to the ground
campa place usually away from urban areas where tents or simple buildings (such as cabins) are erected for shelter or for temporary residence (as for laborers, prisoners, or vacationers)
censora person who supervises conduct and morals: such as
cogentappealing forcibly to the mind or reason : convincing
emaciatedvery thin and feeble especially from lack of nutrition or illness