GRE Word List
to travel especially on foot : walk
The meaning of the word peregrination is to travel especially on foot : walk.
Random words
Word | Meaning |
obese | having excessive body fat |
usurp | to seize and hold (office, place, functions, powers, etc.) in possession by force or without right |
woeful | full of woe : grievous |
virtue | conformity to a standard of right : morality |
inarticulate | incapable of giving coherent, clear, or effective expression to one's ideas or feelings |
transpire | to take place : go on |
sphinx-like | enigmatic; mysterious |
frenetic | marked by fast and energetic, disordered, or anxiety-driven activity : frenzied |
relevant | having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand |
incantation | a use of spells or verbal charms spoken or sung as a part of a ritual of magic |