GRE Word List


characterized by lack of interest, energy, or spirit

The meaning of the word listless is characterized by lack of interest, energy, or spirit.

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odiumthe state or fact of being subjected to hatred and contempt as a result of a despicable act or blameworthy circumstance
incantationa use of spells or verbal charms spoken or sung as a part of a ritual of magic
fanciedimagined or believed to be true or real
incentivesomething that incites or has a tendency to incite to determination or action
abetto actively second and encourage (something, such as an activity or plan)
turgidexcessively embellished in style or language : bombastic
transportto transfer or convey from one place to another
celibateof, relating to, or characterized by celibacy:
effervescencethe property of forming bubbles : the action or process of effervescing
accostto approach and speak to (someone) in an often challenging or aggressive way