GRE Word List
to furnish or fit with glass
The meaning of the word glaze is to furnish or fit with glass.
Random words
Word | Meaning |
addle | rotten |
crabbed | marked by a forbidding moroseness |
churlish | of, resembling, or characteristic of a churl : vulgar |
eulogy | a commendatory oration or writing especially in honor of one deceased |
bedizen | to dress or adorn gaudily |
vulture | any of various large birds (families Accipitridae and Cathartidae) that are related to the hawks, eagles, and falcons but have weaker claws and the head usually naked and that subsist chiefly or entirely on carrion |
stellar | of or relating to the stars : astral |
oligarchy | government by the few |
wilt | loose freshness; droop |
burgeon | to send forth new growth (such as buds or branches) : sprout |