GRE Word List


upper or ruling class : aristocracy

The meaning of the word gentry is upper or ruling class : aristocracy.

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grumbleto mutter in discontent
palmany of a family (Palmae synonym Arecaceae) of mostly tropical or subtropical monocotyledonous trees, shrubs, or vines with usually a simple stem and a terminal crown of large pinnate or fan-shaped leaves
ascribeto refer to a supposed cause, source, or author : to say or think that (something) is caused by, comes from, or is associated with a particular person or thing
practicablecapable of being put into practice or of being done or accomplished : feasible
collaborateto work jointly with others or together especially in an intellectual endeavor
dispenseto divide and share out according to a plan : to deal out in portions
waverto vacillate irresolutely between choices : fluctuate in opinion, allegiance, or direction
deterrentserving to discourage, prevent, or inhibit : serving to deter
invincibleincapable of being conquered, overcome, or subdued
provocativeserving or tending to provoke, excite, or stimulate