GRE Word List
The meaning of the word dominate is rule.
Random words
Word | Meaning |
leaven | a substance (such as yeast) used to produce fermentation in dough or a liquid |
pejorative | a word or phrase that has negative connotations (see connotation |
lottery | a drawing of lots in which prizes are distributed to the winners among persons buying a chance |
prohibitive | tending to prohibit or restrain |
pithy | consisting of or abounding in pith |
squash | to press or beat into a pulp or a flat mass : crush |
tonsure | the Roman Catholic or Eastern rite of admission to the clerical state by the clipping or shaving of a portion of the head |
insensible | incapable or bereft of feeling or sensation: such as |
malign | evil in nature, influence, or effect : injurious |
unimpeachable | not impeachable: such as |