GRE Word List


to dry up

The meaning of the word desiccate is to dry up.

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impromptumade, done, or formed on or as if on the spur of the moment : improvised
addictiona compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity having harmful physical, psychological, or social effects and typically causing well-defined symptoms (such as anxiety, irritability, tremors, or nausea) upon withdrawal or abstinence : the state of being addicted
eroticof, devoted to, or tending to arouse sexual love or desire
podiatristthe medical care and treatment of the human foot
dissentto withhold assent or approval
lucremonetary gain : profit
disjointedbeing thrown out of orderly function
rococorococo work or style
slitherto slide on or as if on a loose gravelly surface