GRE Word List
to utter abruptly and impulsively
The meaning of the word blurt is to utter abruptly and impulsively.
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Word | Meaning |
wrench | to move with a violent twist |
pertinacious | adhering resolutely to an opinion, purpose, or design |
expurgate | to cleanse of something morally harmful, offensive, or erroneous |
woeful | full of woe : grievous |
arbiter | a person with power to decide a dispute : judge |
gross | glaringly noticeable usually because of inexcusable badness or objectionableness |
incendiary | igniting combustible materials spontaneously |
cantankerous | difficult or irritating to deal with |
palpitate | to beat rapidly and strongly : throb |
coiffure | a style or manner of arranging the hair |