GRE Word List


to shorten by omission of words without sacrifice of sense : condense

The meaning of the word abridge is to shorten by omission of words without sacrifice of sense : condense.

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enervatelacking physical, mental, or moral vigor : enervated
chaffingthe seed coverings and other debris separated from the seed in threshing grain
inamorataa woman with whom one is in love or has intimate relations
psychiatrista medical doctor who diagnoses and treats mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders : a specialist in psychiatry
implacablenot placable : not capable of being appeased, significantly changed, or mitigated
iconoclastica person who attacks settled beliefs or institutions
vegetateto lead a passive existence without exertion of body or mind
canvassto go through (a district) or go to (persons) in order to solicit orders or political support or to determine opinions or sentiments
astringentcausing a tightening of soft organic tissues : styptic
checkto inspect, examine, or look at appraisingly or appreciatively