Search Results for tag vi

Found 12 results
How to encrypt and decrypt text files using Vim editor
This blog post shows you how to encrypt and decrypt text files using the built-in encryption support in the Vim editor. vim -x ... read more
{ updated: 2024-07-04 }
How to Make the Fastest Awana Grand Prix Pinewood Derby Car
Blog post about building our son's prize-winning Awana Grand Prix Pinewood Derby car. His car won every single round with an average speed of 182.69 mph and time of 2.7058 seconds. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-07-01 }
Comprehensive List of 50 Job Interview Questions
This is a list of 50 most commonly asked interview questions you may be asked. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-06-25 }
How to Identify Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac and Protect Yourself
I had a terrible encounter with poison ivy, poison oak and/or poison sumac. This blog post talks about how to identify these toxic plants and tips on how to avoid them, and care if you have touched them. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-05-29 }
How to access and update environment variables in Python
This article shows you how to set, retrieve and modify environment variables using Python. Python uses the os.environ module for handling environment variables. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-01-25 }
How to check Facebook Login History and Activity
How to find who last logged in and used your Facebook account, along with the IP address, browser details and locations. If your Facebook account has been hacked or you suspect someone is accessing your Facebook account without your knowledge. ... read more
{ updated: 2023-08-30 }
How to see your Yahoo! Mail log activity
This is how to check if your Yahoo! Mail has been compromised or hacked. You can see the history of the last 20 login attempts ... read more
{ updated: 2022-07-22 }
How to Package Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) Aquarium Plants
Quick write-up on how to pack Amazon Frogbit aquarium plants for shipping via USPS or to a local buyer. ... read more
{ updated: 2015-02-26 }
How to install Windows 7 on VirtualBox
Guide on how to install Windows 7 on VirtualBox virtual machine. ... read more
{ updated: 2014-09-08 }
Watch Starwars on the Terminal
Watch Starwars on the Terminal. Using Mac Terminal, PuTTY or any Linux/Unix console. ... read more
{ updated: 2013-05-25 }
VirtualBox: How to access guest (CentOS) webserver from the host (Mac OS X) on NAT
This is an article how to access guest (CentOS) webserver from the host (Mac OS X) using NAT and Host-Only networks. ... read more
{ updated: 2013-01-29 }
How to remove CTRL M characters
This is a tutorial on how to remove the Control-M character ^M at the end of line. This usually happens when you save the file in Windows. ... read more
{ updated: 2009-01-01 }