GRE Word List


having a checkered appearance

The meaning of the word tessellated is having a checkered appearance.

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grossglaringly noticeable usually because of inexcusable badness or objectionableness
insinuateto impart or suggest in an artful or indirect way : imply
mollycoddleto treat with an excessive or absurd degree of indulgence and attention
backslideto lapse morally or in the practice of religion
feralof, relating to, or suggestive of a wild beast
barefacedhaving the face uncovered:
bara straight piece (as of wood or metal) that is longer than it is wide and has any of various uses (as for a lever, support, barrier, or fastening)
gruesomeinspiring horror or repulsion : grisly
exuberancethe quality or state of being exuberant