GRE Word List


the study of literature and of disciplines relevant to literature or to language as used in literature

The meaning of the word philology is the study of literature and of disciplines relevant to literature or to language as used in literature.

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gildto overlay with or as if with a thin covering of gold
quashto suppress or extinguish summarily and completely
aegisa shield or breastplate emblematic of majesty that was associated with Zeus and Athena
devoutcommitted or devoted to religion or to religious duties or exercises
amazona member of a race of female warriors of Greek mythology
advocateone who defends or maintains a cause or proposal
insalubriousnot conducive to health : unwholesome
plebiscitea vote by which the people of an entire country or district express an opinion for or against a proposal especially on a choice of government or ruler
multilingualof, having, or expressed in several languages