GRE Word List


deserving to be execrated : detestable

The meaning of the word execrable is deserving to be execrated : detestable.

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ligneousof or resembling wood
horticulturalthe science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants
edifyto instruct and improve especially in moral and religious knowledge : uplift
sentientresponsive to or conscious of sense impressions
egoisma doctrine that individual self-interest is the actual motive of all conscious action
impecunioushaving very little or no money usually habitually : penniless
delusionsomething that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated
caulkto stop up and make tight against leakage (something, such as a boat or its seams, the cracks in a window frame, or the joints of a pipe)
maraudto roam about and raid in search of plunder
timbrethe quality given to a sound by its overtones: such as