GRE Word List


to inspect, examine, or look at appraisingly or appreciatively

The meaning of the word check is to inspect, examine, or look at appraisingly or appreciatively.

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tantamountequivalent in value, significance, or effect
emolumentthe returns arising from office or employment usually in the form of compensation or perquisites
imponderablenot ponderable : incapable of being weighed or evaluated with exactness
posturethe position or bearing of the body whether characteristic or assumed for a special purpose
sedatekeeping a quiet steady attitude or pace : unruffled
communetalk over
testyeasily annoyed : irritable
bourgeoisof, relating to, or characteristic of the social middle class
imminentready to take place : happening soon
pulsethe regular expansion of an artery caused by the ejection of blood into the arterial system by the contractions of the heart