Search Results for tag plants

Found 5 results
10 Gallon Natural Planted Tank
Our blog on starting and running a 10 gallon natural planted aquarium. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-05-30 }
10 Gallon Blue Diamond Shrimp Tank
How to set up a 10 gallon shrimp tank with no filter, no heater and no water changes. Not Walstad, but close, and with lots of plants. ... read more
{ updated: 2023-10-13 }
2 Gallon Jarrarium / Planted Jar
Our journal on starting a 2 gallon natural planted jar or jarrarium. ... read more
{ updated: 2018-07-10 }
20 Gallon Walstad Method Natural Planted Tank
Our journal on starting and running a 20 gallon Walstad method or el natural planted aquarium. ... read more
{ updated: 2016-06-30 }
How to Package Amazon Frogbit (Limnobium laevigatum) Aquarium Plants
Quick write-up on how to pack Amazon Frogbit aquarium plants for shipping via USPS or to a local buyer. ... read more
{ updated: 2015-02-26 }