Search Results for tag acsl

Found 18 results
ACSL Intermediate Number Transformation Problem
My Python solution for the ACSL Intermediate Problem Number Transformation in 2019-2020. Includes the problem solving logic and Python code tips. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-06-25 }
ACSL Junior Numble Problem
My Python solution for the ACSL Junior Division 2013-2014 Contest 4 Problem Numble. Includes the problem solving logic and Python code tips. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-06-24 }
ACSL Junior Finals Run-Length Encoding Problem
My Python solution for the ACSL Junior Division 2023-2024 Finals #1 Problem Run-Length Encoding. Includes the problem solving logic and Python code tips. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-06-15 }
Codeforces Maximum Multiple Sum Problem in Python and C++
My Python and C++ solutions for the Codeforces Maximum Multiple Sum problem 1985A. Includes the problem solving logic and speed benchmarks. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-06-13 }
Codeforces Yogurt Sale Problem in Python and C++
My Python and C++ solutions for the Codeforces Yogurt Sale problem 1955A. Includes the problem solving logic and speed benchmarks. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-05-08 }
Codeforces Moving Chips Problem in Python and C++
My Python and C++ solutions for the Codeforces 'Moving Chips' problem 1923A. Includes the problem solving logic and speed benchmarks. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-02-24 }
ACSL Data Structures: Stack and Queue
Blog post about ACSL data structures. We will look at creation of stacks and queues and operations. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-02-23 }
Codeforces Make it White Problem in Python and C++
My Python and C++ solutions for the Codeforces 'Make it White' problem 1927A. Includes the problem solving logic and speed benchmarks. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-02-06 }
Codeforces Brick Wall Problem in Python and C++
My Python and C++ solutions for the Codeforces 'Brick Wall' problem 1918A. Includes the problem solving logic and speed benchmarks. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-01-31 }
Codeforces Fafa and the Gates Problem in Python and C++
My Python and C++ solutions for the Codeforces 'Fafa and the Gates' problem 935B. Includes the problem solving logic and speed benchmarks. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-01-29 }
ACSL String Stats Problem
My Python solutions for the ACSL Junior Division 2018-2019 Programming Problem 'String Stats'. Includes the problem solving logic. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-01-28 }
Codeforces Bark to Unlock Problem in Python and C++
My Python and C++ solutions for the Codeforces Bark to Unlock problem 868A. Includes the problem solving logic and speed benchmarks. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-01-27 }
Codeforces Key Races Problem in Python and C++
My Python and C++ solutions for the Codeforces Key Races problem 835A. Includes the problem solving logic and speed benchmarks. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-01-26 }
Convert Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal Numbers using Python
How to convert between the four number systems - binary, octal, decimal and hexadecimal using Python. bin(), oct(), hex(), int() functions. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-01-24 }
ACSL Bit-String Flicking and Bitwise Operations
Bit-string flicking in ACSL is the performing of bitwise operations on binary numbers. NOT, AND, OR, XOR, LSHIFT, RSHIFT, LCIRC, RCIRC. ... read more
{ updated: 2024-01-18 }
ACSL Junior Division
Blog post about how to coach your ACSL Junior Division club. This is our fourth year coaching ACSL and second year coaching ACSL Junior Division ... read more
{ updated: 2023-10-13 }
American Computer Science League (ACSL)
This is a blog post about tips on how to coach your ACSL club and make learning fun for your students. ... read more
{ updated: 2022-09-22 }
ACSL Intermediate Division
Blog post about how to coach your ACSL Intermediate Division club. ... read more
{ updated: 2022-01-27 }