GRE Word List


serving to preserve remembrance : commemorative

The meaning of the word memorial is serving to preserve remembrance : commemorative.

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rusticof, relating to, or suitable for the country : rural
flaira skill or instinctive ability to appreciate or make good use of something : talent
trougha long shallow often V-shaped receptacle for the drinking water or feed of domestic animals
avertto turn away or aside (the eyes, one's gaze, etc.) in avoidance
spendthrifta person who spends improvidently or wastefully
looma frame or machine for interlacing (see interlace
promulgateto make (an idea, belief, etc.) known to many people by open declaration : proclaim
clapperone that claps: such as
enjointo direct or impose by authoritative order or with urgent admonition
lardera place where food is stored : pantry